Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Part-Time Librarian

It's becoming real!  Fall is approaching, though I'm not wishing my summer away, and I'm hunkering down in my classroom planning work.  Today, that looks like multiple stacks of old, inherited books and an evolving Excel spreadsheet.

Having an Android phone, apparently, limits my book cataloging app-pickin's, so I started off manually typing every book into a spreadsheet.  As expected, there's an easier way.

Scholastic's Book Wizard (love that little guy) has a book list tool that aggregates the books you pick (including their levels, interest information, and other key necessities for classroom libraries) and allows you to download it as an Excel file. I will still fiddle with the final list, organizing and adding categories to help my kiddos.

The process continues to evolve! There's so much hope packed into this process.

...I fully accept my romanticizing of this, by the way.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Class set-up for ESOL teachers

Image courtesy of phasinphoto /
Class Set Up for ESL Teachers

As I'm preparing for my new classroom, this is going to be a helpful resource for thinking ahead. Organization Monster is starting to growl from within and I gotta say: there is a severe lack of attention to ESOL/ESL-specific classroom set-up in the blogosphere.

I might have to change that.